Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 10: Epcot and Dolly Parton... Wait, dude, where's your Dolly?!!!!

O.K., I'm no stranger to the many fine Disney parks, but without a doubt, the one I know best is Epcot!!! I'm saying that enthusiastically on account of I like Epcot. Our car blew a flat tire last night so they had to send a driver. I couldn't believe it, it was Randy!! And not Randy the limo driver but Randy, our pilot!

I says to him, "why aren't you piloting?"
He said, "I also drive people around in the van. It's pretty much the same thing."

Nic and I gave each other a look that wasn't supposed to mean anything but for some reason we both started cracking up. Randy thought we were laughing at him for being a van driver. He screamed for a while... and then came the water works...

It was over an hour before we actually started out for the park. We had to promise Randy we weren't laughing at him and agreed we'd all go out to dinner at the "Dolly Parton Dixie Stampede."

At the park, the first thing that Nic wanted to do was go to the "World Showcase," where they have all the little representations of countries. Personally, I never understood this concept. What was Walt smoking? Am I right ladies? Tiny Eiffel Tower? Please...

But, since Nic was mopey about the skydiving fiasco and to be a good sport, I pretended I cared about the tiny countries and did my best to pump him up. The first place we stopped was Canada... Nic was blown away by the 360 degree screen and found the presentation stunning and informative. I fell asleep and bumped my head on a hand rail.

After that it was country after country of basically the same junk until we came to Norway. Holy cow they know how to party!! The ride was great because trolls jumped out at you. Nic thought it was going to be a pleasant little boat ride so he didn't take his sea sick medication and barfed up his candy bar over the side of the boat. No one noticed and it just floated away.

Mexico was also great! It succsessfully confirmed every Mexican stereotype we've all grown to love. We ate lunch there too, near the volcano... I told Nic that's where they grilled the burgers and he almost blew milk out his nose!

Finally out of that garbage part of the park we went to where they have the rides! The first thing we went on was "Mission to Mars." It was too cool! Nic was worried that he was going to barf up his Scrod Nachos from lunch but he went on anyway. It felt like we were blasting off and experiencing the G's. I said to Nic, "enough with the G's, I gotta P's!" Nic just closed his eyes and said, "Not now man."

When it was all over Nic didn't end up puking but he still had to sit down for a couple minutes. I told him I'd be in the line for Test Track. He said he'd catch up. I was in line for 10 minutes and I didn't see him. I ended up going on it without him and sitting next to a fat Italian who thought I could speak Italian because I kept nodding and smiling when he spoke.

After it was done I found out that Nic got in trouble trying to cut in line. Security grabbed him and started taking them to their office. On the way he barfed and they felt so bad they let him go. He was waiting for me when I got off the ride. He looked bummed...

I tried tickling him but it didn't feel right for either of us...

I told him we could do anything he wanted to do... SOOO we went to the "Honey I shrunk the Audience" thing.. It was cool and in 3D. Nic got a kick out of the part where they blow air on your ankles and you think it's a mouse.

We wanted to stay for the fireworks because we heard they were amazing but we promised Randy we'd meet him in the lot at 5:30 to go to dinner so we had to leave.

He looked so happy to see us, as if he wasn't sure we would actually show. When we were in the park he bought a little cooler and put soda in it. He had it stocked with Tab and cream soda. Nic and I gave each other a look and then Randy said, "Not this again!" and then he started laughing and so did we. We all had a good laugh.

So, onward to the Dixie Stampede we went, Randy and Nic drinking Tab, and me trying to mix the Tab And cream soda together for a black and tan... didn't work.

Anyhow, the whole way there Randy kept on going on about how great the place was and how it's "an excellent bang for your buck," as he often says. When we parked and got out of the van we were so caught up with listening to Randy that we didn't notice the place was closed. When Randy saw that we stopped listening he turned around and saw that there was a sign on the door and no other cars in the parking lot. Nothing I could write would give an adequate description of the anguish that man experienced then. This was the one thing he had left. He explained how he and his wife came here on their first date and that she had recently died in a cow accident.

We put our arms around him and sat for a good hour without talking. Later Nic and I both agreed it was the most spiritual moment of our lives. That is until the FIREWORKS!!!! We decided to get some greasy burgers and milk shakes and go check out the Epcot fireworks in the Epcot parking lot. Turns out Randy checks out the fireworks there almost every night. We laid on top of the van and Randy put on a Billy Joel tape. I was hoping for the Tijuana Brass but I didn't say anything.

Overall it was a strange day, but educational, and spiritual. AND SO RANDOM!!!!!!!!

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