Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 27: The end of an era...

Alright, sorry about not posting but it's been an emotional few days. Drego died as you all know... We attended his funeral yesterday (the guy was classy enough to put us on his funeral guest list the day before he died). Needless to say, this guy was the guy. Or is it, "this man was the man"? Does it matter? I mean, it's just substituting "guy" for "man."

Anyway, here's the horrible news, Christy is back...

So, since the she-devil hath returned, here comes our cruddy schedule of doing cruddy stuff everyday, right?


Today we went to Toys-R (backwards)-Us!!!!

Nic bought a bouncy ball and then decided to use it as a pillow.

Prior to that (just to mess with Christy) we removed all the seats in our van and threw them into the Atlantic Ocean.

I got a temporary tattoo of a robot that says "Waffles!"

Nic and I both agreed that going to Toys-R (backwards)-Us, didn't have much to do with Orlando but you know, at least Christy wasn't being a total dick.

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