Sunday, August 9, 2009

Weekend internet jive

Sorry for the lack of updates guys but the internet at the hotel has been out all weekend. This isn't surprising as we were put up in an awful hotel. just awful.

Anyhow, much too tired now to post a blog as this weekend has been off the HOOOOK!!!! In the mean time, enjoy this picture of our many hotel internet repairmen. The one actually working is Hector, a totally awesome guy. The one watching over his shoulder is Brad, a total turd. In the foreground wearing the fancy duds is Olivio, the hotel manager. He thinks he's speaking in perfect English but we've only understood him say the word, "balogna".

He often says, "balogna!"

Here's a picture of their solution to get the internet working. You can't tell by the picture but there's one cable that goes all the way to the lobby (and then elsewhere).

Brad told us the internet went out because we used too much bandwidth uploading our, "gay @ss sh*T H*$j#@Ty movie!" His words...

Hector told us that this happens all the time and that the hotel is actually just stealing internet from the nearby Jewish community center.

Olivio said, "balogna."


Realz updatez soon(z),

peace, love, dove

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