Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 33: Make your own sundae

This morning when we woke up and checked under our door, we didn't find the normal folder containing our mission "O" the day.

Instead we found a jar of maraschino cherries, a ziplock bag of sprinkles, a couple of aging bananas, a half-used container of Ovaltine, and a box of "Frosty Paws," which is iced cream for dogs....

On the door was a note reading, "Make your own sundaes!"

Now, normally we'd be upset about getting another crummy mission and would rush down to Christy's office to give here a slap in the face. Today though we decided to take it in stride. I mean, Christy's got it pretty rough you know? Trying to come up with new exciting adventures for us losers must really tax her tiny monkey brain. So today we let Christy off easy. We slashed her tires and filled her gas tank up with snakes.

Nic asked, "Why are we putting snakes in her gas tank? Won't they just die?"

Being an avid car-nut and snake enthusiast, I replied, "No dum-dum, snakes are already 58% gasoline. Also, it'll be hee-larious when her car explodes and snakes fly out of her tailpipe!"

Nic agreed this would be hee-larious.

Later, back at the hotel, we decided to give the dog iced cream a try. I mean if dogs like it, how bad could it be? Plus, we half-hoped that it would turn us into dogs like in the hit movie, "The Shaggy Dog". And no, not the lame one from the 50's. I'm talking about the one from the new willenium, starring Tom Allen.

"More Power! Arf Arf Arf!!!!"

Instead of getting dog powers we both hallucinated for roughly 5 hours...

I guess I ended up Finding this bunny costume somewhere

Personally, the only thing I recall is eating a lot of tapioca and then going for a jog on I-4

All that Nic remembers is making out with his JTT poster... He now has several canker sores.

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